Our rafting offer
RAFTING na rijeci Neretvi predstavlja jedinstven izazov koji pruža ljubiteljima prirodnog ambijenta posebnu avanturu, rekreaciju i adrenalinski užitak. Neretva je planinska rijeka koja izvire na nadmorskoj visini od 1.095m ispod planina Zelengore i Lebršnik. Kanjonom, uzvodno od Konjica pogodna je za rafting. Dužina kanjona za rafting od Glavatičeva do Konjica iznosi oko 23 km. Start za rafting od baze EkoSela udaljen je 5km, 10min organizirane vožnje. Ugođaju doprinosi prelijepi kanjon Rakitnice i vodopadi koje prolazimo u rafting turi. Svaki učesnik raftinga dobija opremu (zaštitnu kacigu i prsluk za spašavanje), a u slučaju kišovitog i prohladnog vremena i neopren zaštitna odijela. Eko selo angažuje isključivo certificirane skipere što dodatno obezbijeđuje sigurnost učesnika prilikom samog spusta. Za rafting je potrebno najmanje 8 osoba. Cijena uključuje: prijevoz u oba pravca, certificirani skipper, kompletna rafting oprema (kaciga, prsluk, a u slučaju kišovitog vremena neopren zaštitna odijela). Za organizaciju raftinga potrebna je prethodna najava.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What to bring and how to dress? What you need to bring with you is spare dry clothes and a camera. Everything else you are invited to forget. On departure you will be given a waterproof neoprene suit and water shoes. For the sun-sensitive, it is advisable to bring sunblock. Who is rafting for? Rafting on the Neretva is for the whole family, from preschool age onwards. Our experienced skippers will do their best to make you feel safe and enjoy every moment. Of course, rafting without excitement was not what it is, so the Neretva will not fail even those who want adrenaline. And what if it rains? Well, rafting on the Neretva River adds extra excitement and spectacular visual moments during rainy days. If you are not very keen on the idea of sailing in the rain and are fond of sunshine and swimming, you are free to postpone for another day. But you should know that the upper course of the Neretva is quite unpredictable in terms of weather, so a rainy morning can hide behind a beautiful sunny day, as well as a series of sunny days can be abruptly interrupted by rain.

About Neretva river
It springs at an altitude of 1,095 meters below the mountains of Zelengore and Lebršnik in BiH and runs through the country for a length of 205 km, and for the last 20 km it flows through Croatia. Of the total catchment area (5,581 km2) in Croatia is 430 km2. [1] The Neretva River from the source to the estuary originally flows from the southeast to the northwest, thus forming the northern border of Herzegovina. Not far from Konjic and the Rama region it turns south, and flows from the north to the south. , Idbarcica (Bascica), Queen and Neretvica. In the lower reaches, these are Bregava and Trebizat. Upstream, all the way to Capljina, the Neretva River is a canyon river, and west of Konjic it flows into the Jablanica reservoir. In addition to Gabela, it expands into a delta of 196 km2 (which has been under UNESCO protection since 1992), and from Opuzen it is divided into twelve arms (3 of which are flowing). It is navigable from the coast to Metkovic (20 km). [1] It flows into the Adriatic Sea near Rogotin and Ploce.